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Odor Removal – Odor Elimination Services

Charlotte Crawlspace Solutions, LLC. (CCSS) is proud to announce a new odor removal / odor elimination service for both residential and commercial clients. The new service will be available to all clients throughout our servicing area from Rock Hill, SC, west to Gastonia, NC, north to Statesville, NC and east from Winston Salem, NC  through Salisbury, NC to Monroe, NC. The new service is provided with CCSS completing the stringent certification process under EnviroGuard Direct (previously Paradigm Labs).

Home & Commercial Odor Removal


DOG/CAT PET ODORSThere are a few ways to effectively and completely eliminate odor that don’t require bulldozing the house and starting over again. Through our exclusive EnviroGuard treatment, by a professional trained in identifying and administering the treatment,  is one of the most promising options for removing pet odors and pet urine smells. 

Dog Odor – Dogs have apocrine sweat glands excrete their products into the hair follicle canal, and the eccrine sweat glands excrete directly onto the skin surface. They function to produce a natural secretion that varies from thin and yellowish to pasty and greyish; the secretion has a very strong musky odor. A small amount of this material is deposited when dogs defecate. Additionally, a dogs coat is oily which can get deposited wherever they lay.  When the smell envelopes your dog or your hand stinks after stroking them, the skin is usually the culprit. All skin is covered by microbes, usually bacteria and yeast. If these bugs overwhelm the skin’s natural barrier because of damage or illness, they cause infections which smell. 

Cat Odor – Cat urine is a concentrate of metabolic waste and is comprised of urea, creatine, uric acid, various detoxified substances, sodium chloride and other electrolytes. It owes its characteristic yellow color to urobilogen. Cats have a propensity to mark their territory outside the litter box, be it on the carpet or in hidden corners. After a while, bacteria decompose the urea and give off an string ammonia odor characteristic of stale old urine. The second stage of the decomposition process emits mercaptans, compounds which also give skunk spray its nasty smell. Of course, other factors give each animal its distinctive smell. Older animals have kidneys that have lost some of their efficiency and as a consequence, older animals tend to have the worst smelling urine. Urine from male cats also tends to smell worse than female urine, due to the presence of certain steroids. If the cat urine smell is coming from the crawlspace, usually the problem is decaying organic matter under the vapor barrier.

Tobacco / Pot Odors

Tobacco / Pot Odors   – Get rid of cigarette odor in homes and apartments for good! Cigarette smoke is one of the most pervasive odors found in homes and commercial buildings – smokers can’t smell it, but everyone else can! Tobacco smoke creates an odor that is notorious for its ability to saturate living spaces and persist long after its source is gone. Smoke particles can be as small as .001% of the width of a human hair, which allows them to penetrate almost any part of a house. Tobacco smoke can easily circulate through a building’s ventilation system or come up through apartment floors. It can be very hard to get rid of because third-hand smoke contains toxic particles and gasses which can permeate both hard and soft surfaces. Nicotine even contaminates dust.

 Pot Odors

     Pot Odors – Unlike tobacco smoke, the terpenes responsible for weed’s distinctive smell are pretty distinctive but do not have the staying power of tobacco. The smell actually comes from terpenes, tiny volatile molecules created by the cannabis plant. These terpenes are the aromatic component of the plant’s essential oils. Biologically, they function as deterrents for predators like insects or mammals. While cannabis plants produce more than 1,000 different types of terpenes, only a few can be distinguished by the human nose. Two prominent examples are limonene and pinene. The terpenes are highly aromatic, the smoke when inhaled, is 20x higher in ammonia than cigarette smoke. Ammonia is highly polar. Water, present in air and in showers, is also highly polar. Thus, cannabis smoke is much more likely to cling to particles in the air and be carried away than settle on hard and soft objects  like drapes, carpet and couches.

Skunk Odors

Skunk Odors – Skunk spray is an odorous yellow tinted, oily liquid that can permeate clothing and the environment for many days. They also spray in basements, garages, inside window wells and under porches. Skunk musk is composed primarily of seven ingredients six of which are sulfur containing thiols that give the skunk musk its awful smell. Humans can smell skunk musk in concentrations as low as 10 parts per billion.

Mold Odors

Mold Odors – Have earthy, musty smells invaded your living areas? The culprit most probably is your crawlspace. During the summer months moisture buildup provides the perfect environment for mold to grow on your home’s wooden structural members. As the mold grows the roots penetrate deeper into the wood weakening the structural integrity of your home’s supports. The mold spores and discharged gases penetrate your home’s living space through a process called the “stack effect“. These spores and off-gases can cause persons with respiratory problems and allergies to suffer.


Decomposition – Scientific studies show that death has a distinct smell to it once the body starts to decompose after death. The unique smell of death comprises over 480 different known chemical compounds representing the smell of death of the human body and its various stages of decomposition. This distinctive smell is what helps cadaver dogs identify and locate dead bodies. Every stage of decomposition gives off its unique scent. But when it comes to smelling death before someone dies, medical professionals agree that there’s no specific scientific smell associated with impending death. However, a dying person will put off a very distinct acetone odor related to the changes in the metabolism emanating from the breath, skin, and bodily fluids. This distinctive smell is part of a deteriorating body’s chemical breakdown as a person nears the end. The scent itself is not the smell of death, but many people mistakenly associate it with such. People in the healthcare industry providing care to the sick and dying may agree on this odor representing the smell of death. 

Fire Damage

Fire Damage –  A house fire is devastating. It destroys everything in its path–structural materials, appliances, and precious household items are no match for a blazing fire. The longer smoke lingers within a property, the more time there is for household materials to absorb the smell and suffer smoke damage. Worst of all, there’s not only damage from the fire itself but the aftermath. After a fire, you have to deal with water damage, smoke levels, soot pollution, and smoke odor. Smoke damage is a consequence that most people overlook. The smoke odor lingers for weeks and even months, reducing the air quality and posing a health hazard for the building’s occupants. 


Food (especially Curry Odor Removal) – How long an odor lingers depends on how big the source of odor is, how fast odor molecules evaporate into the air, how rapidly they disperse or break down once they are in the air, and how sensitive we are to them. Whether cooked at home, restaurant or purchased as take-away, the pungent odor of curry lingers long after the food is consumed. Curry spices release fat-soluble oil, which causes the pungent aroma. The oil vapor is absorbed by fabrics and other porous surfaces, making the aroma difficult to remove. Both garlic and onion contain sulfur compounds which do not smell good and the smell tends to linger around from them but are not absorbed into fabrics. 

Chemical Odors

Chemical Odors – VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)  Many products found in the home and office environment may have the potential to release VOCs. Examples include:


Get a FREE Quote

Through our exclusive EnviroGuard treatment, CCSS has shown proven success for eliminating the unpleasant smell from any home, business, Bed & Breakfast, hotel, motel, hospital or elderly care facility. We specialize in cigarette smoke, smoke damage from fires, food smells (curry), chemical odors and pet odor removal. Call now … (704) 989-8219 or use the form below to ask any questions.